A Tiny Kitchen Vol. 001: What I Like To Cook

Cooking is something I highly enjoy, and it’s been that way ever since I was growing up. I’m so committed to it in fact, that when I first moved to New York City, I had an apartment that didn’t have gas (long story) so I bought a toaster oven (which I still own) and double hot plate and I would cook meals using both every night. It was a struggle, obviously, but it was also super rewarding to be able to make something that actually tasted good with very (very) minimal equipment. Fast forward four years later, and I now have a “real” kitchen—I’m still in Brooklyn in a shared apartment, so it’s not really a full kitchen— and I love cooking even more. In the last year or so it’s evolved into something I need to do every day, almost like a form of meditation. I love finding a new recipe and then taking two hours to cook it on a Sunday. Some people think that’s probably an insane way to spend my Sunday, but I think those people are insane for eating out for every meal.

I knew I needed to incorporate cooking on here in some way so hence the new “segment” A Tiny Kitchen. As I said, I still live in an apartment in Brooklyn—with roommates too—so I understand that cooking a full meal can feel a little intimidating. However, I one-hundred-percent believe that anyone can do it, no matter what their kitchen situation is like. You just have to buy a few pans, believe in yourself and get just a littttle creative. Also know that you can take a recipe and not make it exactly how it says. Don’t constrict yourself to all the directions! You can substitute things or make adjustments based on what you have or don’t have. If you do that though, and it turns out like shit, you’re not allowed to write a review saying it turned out like shit—just keep that in mind.

So to start things off, I thought I’d run through a few of my favorite dishes to make that are completely doable in a smaller kitchen.

  1. Cauliflower Bolognese: Made with mushrooms and cauliflower this bolognese is legitimately an amazing vegetarian pasta. I’ve made it a few times and each time it’s gotten better because, eh practice makes perfect. P.S I would recommend something like this to use a mini food processor to make life a little easier.

  2. Chickpea and Turmeric Stew: An Alison Roman creation that took me over a year to actually make. I saw it ALL over Instagram when it first came out and was like “meh, that sounds OK”. But (!!!) I finally made it a few months ago and I fully understood what all the hype was about because it’s spectacular. I think I’ve made it about 8 times since and that’s saying something.

  3. Eggs In Purgatory: No real recipe for this but if you cook down a few handfuls of cherry tomatoes, season with garlic, chili flakes, and salt then cook a few eggs in that said mixture you got yourself a delish breakfast, lunch OR dinner. Personally I like to eat mine with really good sourdough bread and Irish butter.

  4. Tomato Sauce with Anchovies: Okay, so I wasn’t planning on including two Alison Roman recipes but it just kind of happened. I recently made this sauce and it has officially converted me into keeping anchovies in the kitchen at all times.

  5. Avocado Toast: Sure, avo toast had its moment a few years ago but I still believe it’s a great snack or even dinner (throw some eggs on top and you got yourself a meal imo). I like to make mine on really good sourdough bread (a theme) with some cumin, salt and a squeeze of lime.

Image from: http://www.deniseleearchitect.com/work#/union-square-loft/

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