Courtney Conway

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Setting Intentions Instead Of Resolutions For 2019

Can I just say that I’m REALLY excited for 2019—it has a really great ring to it and good vibes all around and and I can’t wait for what’s to come. With the start of a new year, I always like to make a list of some things I want to accomplish, but I don’t like to necessarily make them “resolutions”. I think being a human is more about the constant change and process of becoming the person you are meant to be, but the process is never really final. We’re always evolving and so to put specific restrictions on ourselves would just be counterintuitive, and you usually don’t stick to those resolutions which then make you feel bad about yourself. However, if resolutions really work for you (which maybe they do!) then totally go for it. Personally, I like to take this time to kind of recharge and get re-organized again and get back on track. I like to usually look back on what some good habits were that I picked up the previous year and if I stopped doing those things and if I want to pick them up again. Then I’ll make a list of what I want out of the year, which for this year is the following—

  1. Make more money: A lot of the following goals I have involve needing more money, so hence this being the first goal of mine. I also think 2019 (for me) is going to be about valuing my self worth more and manifesting the things that I want out of life, and I’m pretty dang excited about it.

  2. Freelance more: As a part of my goal to make more money, freelancing more is top on the list. As of now, I only freelance steadily for one company and I’ve been slacking on brainstorming story pitches for other companies and reaching out, so it’s definitely something I want to do more of.

  3. Travel outside of the U.S: I’ve only been to Mexico, but that was when I was much younger and I’ve been wanting to go to Europe for so long and I’d love for this to be the year I do it. FINGERS CROSSED!

  4. Grow my personal brand: This has been something I’ve been wanting to do for a few months now, and I finally feel like I’m getting a sense for what I want my personal brand to be about and the right aesthetic. I know it doesn’t seem super important to have a personal brand to some people, but when you work in marketing, marketing yourself seems like a no-brainer and I honestly can’t really help it.

  5. Start a podcast (??): This one is kind of a goal, but also kind of a pipe dream. I think it would just be super fun to have my own podcast, especially since I love talking and helping others sort out their problems. I honestly wouldn’t even care if anybody listened to it, I just think I would really only want to do it just because I can.

  6. Move out on my own: This is a MAJOR goal, especially if you live in New York City, so it could be a bit of a stretch, but I feel like if I find a good deal then I can definitely make it happen. My lease also doesn’t end until November so I definitely have time to save up.

OKAY. Those are my main goals for this year. I have a few smaller ones in my journal, but these are for core 5 I’m really trying to focus more on. If anyone is actually reading this—do you like to set goals for the next year or just wing it?