Things I Like Vol. 003

I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with this website (blog?) quite yet, but at the moment I’m just feeling it out a bit. I know blogs are kind of a dying breed but I’ve recently seemed to discover that I need some kind of an outlet for my writing, whether or not anyone is actually reading this, I think in the long run it’ll be a nice thing to look back on. Any-who, these are the things I’ve been diggin’ lately. Plz enjoy.

  1. French Music: For some reason, I’ve recently gotten into playing French music in the background when I’m doing something like cooking or cleaning. Do I know French? No. But does it sound nice and relaxing? Yes—hence why I listen to it. The playlist I linked above is my fave at the moment and go-to.

  2. Sweet potatoes with peanut butter: I’ve recently discovered the best snack in the whole world and it consists of three things. A baked sweet potato, cinnamon and peanut butter. It’s the most satisfying thing to eat when you’re really craving something sweet but don’t want to down a whole pint of ice cream.

  3. Garlic infused olive oil: Since I’m on the subject of food, I recently (accidentally) bought garlic infused olive oil and I have to say—it was the best mistake I’ve ever made. If you’re looking for something to spice up your meals without adding a million ingredients, I’d 100% suggest this, as well as some pink Himalayan salt (both of which I purchased at Trader Joes for under $5, because duh.)

  4. The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck: If you haven’t read this book already, and you’re afraid to start something, then read this book. It’s not a fix all, but it definitely reminds you to basically not give a fuck which I think, in this social media driven world, we sometimes need. A lot of the advice consists of tid-bits I’ve heard before, but all the while, are always good to hear over and over again. Also, it’s pretty hilarious which is, of course, a bonus.

  5. This article about finding a money mentor: I’ve always been pretty smart with my money and my friends usually come to me for money advice since I’ve been doing my own taxes since I was 16 (I see u TurboTax). Personally, I get all my money advice from my mom for the most part, and a few things here and there online. I’ve also been thinking a lot about potentially talking more about money on Instagram, but who knows if I’ll actually follow through with it. WE SHALL SEE.

Okay. Those are all the things I’ve been into this week. Thanks for reading if ya did, cya l8r.

Courtney ConwayComment