Things I've Learned Vol. 001

It’s really quite depressing that the last time I wrote on my blog, (“blog”) I said that I was going to publish a new post every week. Well, it’s been four months since then and I’ve sufficiently failed; however, in my defense I wasn’t exactly sure what direction I wanted to take this in. I wasn’t sure what exactly I should write about and while I enjoy writing about a lot of things, to save my own sanity (and anyone else’s who is reading this) I knew I wanted to pick some kind of theme, or have at least some kind of niche.

So—as you may have figured out by now, I have figured out that said theme. I’ve decided I want to write mainly two types of posts, one that will be things I learned this week and the other will be things I liked this week. Simple, straight to the point. This way, I can share my thoughts, feelings and opinions with the world (because we need more of that apparently) and I can also share what I find aesthetically pleasing too—truly a win, win if you ask me. So, I now present vol. 001 of Things I’ve Learned.

  1. Finding A Roommate Is Apparently Very Hard: It has become that time of year again where my lease is up and thus, one of my roommates will be moving out. This has happened just about every year (if not more) since I’ve moved to New York so I thought I was pretty darn good at finding a roommate. Turns out, having the L train shut down has really put quite the damper of this. We’ve already asked FOUR people to move in and which all of them DECLINED. How is this possible might you ask? To be completely honest, I couldn’t tell you and have decided to blame it both on the New York City tap water and also the planet alignments.

  2. Take Advantage Of The Mute Feature On Instagram: Groundbreaking. But honestly, whoever thought of the idea of muting someone on Instagram is kind of genius. Unfollowing is much too harsh and sometimes you just REALLY don’t want to see someone’s obnoxious posts, but you know you’ll run into them again and so unfollowing them is pretty much out of the question. Moral of the story? If you’ve yet to take advantage of this, I would 100% recommend doing so.

  3. Capitalism Is A Soul Sucking Monster: I’ve been feeling pretty dull about the objects that surround me lately (i.e my clothes, furniture, etc.) and have been feeling pretty bummed out about it. There’s a constant back in fourth going on in my head, all of which is thanks to our money hungry society. One side says “save your money, don’t spend it on material objects” while the other (much louder, powerful side) says “money is meant to be spent! If you feel like shit, buying a new sweater will just make you feel better. Why are you depriving yourself of that?” In the end, it’s really quite exhausting. I haven’t given in just yet (mainly because I’m waiting for Black Friday Sales, because capitalism always does win in the end, doesn’t it?) but I’m really trying to change how I view money and materialism. I totally do believe that when you surround yourself with beautiful things, it will effect your mood and make you happier but I think I’m just grappling with the fact that that’s such a privileged viewpoint and sometimes you have to choose between if you should buy that new sweater that’ll make you feel good for a week or pay your doctor bill. It’s a struggle that I’m going back and forth on, so stay tuned.

I think that about sums up everything I’ve learned this week. We’ll see if I keep this up for next week. WE SHALL SEE.

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