Courtney Conway

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Celebrate the New Year with Mama Medicine’s Full Moon Ritual Bath

If you haven’t heard of Mama Medicine (aka, Deborah Hanekamp), then let us gladly introduce you. She’s an initiated Amazonian shaman, reiki master and yogini who’s known for her signature “Medicine Readings.” “I give people spiritual counseling depending on what’s coming up in the auric fields, then lay them down on a crystal bed and do a healing ceremony. After that, we do a ritual bath and I give you some spiritual homework for you to do so you can be your own healer.” Her Medicine Readings are wildly popular among busy city dwellers, earning her the nickname “fashion’s favorite healer” from Vogue. So with the New Year approaching (and a welcoming full moon on January 1st), we caught up with Deborah to give us the lowdown on a ritual bath to help you start the New Year right. She gave us a step-by-step guide on how to do them yourself, and needless to say, it sounds downright magical.