Courtney Conway

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A Year Later...Plus Some Things I Like Vol. 004

Wow. Well, it’s officially been over a year since I’ve posted anything. I truly can’t believe it because 2019 went by way to fast for me and it was a little bit of a blur altogether. I started a new job early in the year and it kind of engulfed my life so it made it hard to focus on other things—like my website. I also spent a lot of time traveling back and forth from California to visit my boyfriend which can also make focusing on anything else hard as well. I also went from freelance writing a lot to not freelancing at all and then questioning if I still want to write or just focus on my marketing job.

However, now that we’re in 2020 I’m trying to make writing more of just a hobby. I’ve been in such a mindset that I want to be paid to write again and that’s just not as easy at it sounds. So, I’m hoping if I view it more as just a hobby my mindset about it will change and I won’t put it at the bottom of my to-do like because “I’m not getting paid to do it.” I think a lot of people now think they need to spend their time doing something and get paid for it, and if they aren’t getting paid for it then it’s not really worth their time. It can be a vicious cycle and then, in the end, you’re left with no hobbies and extremely burnt out. However, I am for sure one of those people—I live in New York and I’m 25, I think it’s kind of embedded in my DNA at this point. BUT, I’m trying to not be. I’m trying to just let go and just write. If people read it, they read it (or not). If someone wants to pay me, great! If not, great!

With that said and now out of the way, I thought I’d start this year off with a list of things I’ve enjoyed over the last few months. So here are a few things I read, saw, did, enjoyed, etc.

Little Women: Would highly recommend seeing this, made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Normal People by Sally Rooney: I am officially obsessed with anything she writes. It’s relatable while still being just enough out of reach to make it a little aspirational.

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney: See above for reasoning.

The Defining Decade by Meg Jay: This has been on my list for a while and I ended up listening to it on Audible and I’m so glad I did.

Alison Roman: Yes, I’m putting a person on this list. I’ve made so many of her recipes over the past few months and all have been so delicious. I also linked a video of her cooking for NYT that I watched 3 times.

Bon Appetit: I feel like 2019 was a good year for Bon Appetit in general, or maybe I just think that because I’ve rediscovered them and now I see it everywhere. I’m obsessed with their YouTube channel and 9/10 things I make are from Bon Appetit and are always 10/10 delicious.

Rose Uniacke’s Home: I found this video one night on YouTube and watched it about 5 times in a row. It honestly speaks for itself and yes I would like to live there, thank you for asking.

The Mindfulness Conspiracy: Love a good article that really makes you think.

Hotel Joaquin: If you’re in Laguna Beach I would highly recommend staying here. It’s right by the beach for starters and just all kinds of amazing.